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The measure planning for prevention and cure of Non Point Source pollution in Kao-Ping basin

The purposes of this project include (1) Establishing of the aerial surveying image with high resolution, filing of the background information of KaoPing Creek watershed, investigation and analysis of the properties of the nonpoint source pollution; (2) Building a model for NPS in KaoPing Creek watershed to estimate the source and the amount of varied NPS; (3) Setting the rehabilitating goal of KaoPing Creek polluting problem, optimizing the management of upgrade scheme and choosing two areas to implement the improvement of NPS; (4) Integrating and expanding the geographic database of the overall watershed, and updating the function of “The prevention, cure and management of water pollution of GIS for EPA. First, we use the aerial surveying image as the basis and matching up the aerial surveying image of the downstream watershed of KaoPing weir, integrating and establishing the current landuse situation of KaoPing watershed. Second, we collecting the essential data, outlining the landuse condition and sampling the water quality of the NPS for building the model, then estimating the amount of the pollutant. Third, we setting the goal of improving the water quatily first. Then, we determine which area has the most priority to rehabilitate, and estimating the best management measure and implement the optimal planning scenario. Base on the features of the NPS, tying in the set goal of EPA and etc., we use BOD and ammonia nitrogen as the indices of pollutant, and dividing the rehabilitating objective for choosing the optimal management measure and scenario in the future. At last, we update and expand the function of the “The prevention, cure and management of water pollution of GIS for EPA to make the system assist the controlling plan of the NPS in KaoPing Creek watershed and the follow-up tracing of the requirements of management work.
Judging the utilization of land,The NPS model,Indices of pollutant,Geographic information system (GIS)